cheap tanks

chris s

I did what some of you told me not to and went a head a filled the two 55gal that i had sealed together. Yes, i did get a watery mess but i cleaned it up and none of the glass broke so i guess i was lucky. i need to know if anyone knows where i can get a tank atleast over a 100gal, around the lima-findlay area in ohio for cheap. i know this is like trying to find a needle in a hey stack, but i figured i would ask. all comments are appreciated. thanks
chris S


Go scrounging through the stores man. I found my 100g at a local shop. I paid $300 for the tank and the stand and some cheapo lights that im gonna use over my refugium. The deals are out there.. you just gotta find em. OR you could look in the classified section here.. or on ----.


Active Member
Glad to hear the glass didn't break. Anyway. Your tank is the main piece of your system. Why are you looking for such cheap tank? I can understand not wanting to spend like $800 but this is an expensive hobby.

tony detroit

Active Member
If you feel like driving to Dearborn, MI Jan's Tropical Fish is by far the cheapest. It's about an hour and fifteen minutes north of Toledo. My 180 gal was only $330 there. My 55 gallon sump was only 55 dollars. Talk to Leroy. Call them first and ask them prices, dimensions, etc. they have all kinds of tanks there. Nobody in the detroit area even comes close to their prices, plus if you buy a tank online shipping is usually pretty expensive. I think a 125 gallon there is roughly mid two hundred dollar area.


try the classifides section of your nearest citie's newspaper. i jus saw a 200g for $200 in our paper last week, and frewuently see stuff everywhere from 10 to 150 gallons. some stuff is not really a deal, but every once in a while there is a great deal. i woulda got the 200, but i dont have the wall space to fit it in the apartment :p


aye good point. have them take it out on the front drive and fill it with the hose. then have some lunch. check it after it has been filled an hour if possible and you should be able to see if any water has leaked out (and run down the driveway).


Active Member
I know a place in Toledo - you can get a brand new All Glass standard 125 gallon tank, wood stand, glass lids and standard strip light for $399.00
I don't know what they are asking for the tank alone.
I'm also not sure if the sale is still going on - but I could find out if you're interested.

chris s

thank you for your replies. im still trying to figure out the best price so i am still looking and i think i might just wait and watch the news papers. but i might make a stop in toledo and special places that are pretty good.
chris s