Cheap Wet/Dry Question!!!


New Member
I have aquired the info that most wet/dry's are either 2-5 gallon tank with bioballs and a couple of pads.So I have a question is there anything wrong with putting a bulkhead on a 10 gallon and filling it with bio-balls?Probaly would work wouldnt it?


thats basically all they are, so sure you could do that. You would have to make a few mods though, like a drip plate to defuse the water from going thought the center bio balls all the time. and a few other things that i cant think of right now. Do a search on DIY wet/dry filter you will find more info and probably some diagrams. I know when i order my first wet/dry i thought to myself (man...i could made this) but I at the time I lived in an apt. so I didnt have the time, tools, or space to make one. HTH