cheapest way to diy



I want to set up a nano for a 12 gallon and use to 24" bulbs i have lying anround whats the cheapest way to set them up.
I trried using a shoplight, cut it to length but I have to rub the bulb cause it flickers.
Any suggestions? (oh yeah polyp and mushroom tank only)


your shoplight probably is a rapid start and your bulbs are probably t-8, as you found out a t-12 rapid start won't fire a t-8, you either need to find a unit with a built in starter(the kind that flicker a few times), find an electronic ballast(they will fire t-8's without a starter, replace the ballast in your fixture with a tar ballast and add a starter, or replace the bulbs with t-12's
cutting down a 4ft fixture will work with the right bulbs, check yours, i'm sure they aren't t-12's which is what i'm sure your fixture calls for