

For the past month i have been doing testing on my water because my nitrates has been high well kinda,,, everytime i do my testing it shows that it is at 20,, and it will not go down.. i did water changes every week and it seems to stay there.. someoen told me to get chaeto algae and that it might help keep it down... i have a aquapod and can i put that in my sump... i ve reading on it and they say that it needs light and good water flow.. thanks


yea it will help your nitrates, I'm pretty sure u could put a little in your display tank, it doesnt look to awful bad


Active Member
I have a big tangled gob full smashed behind some rocks in my 24 nano cube. You cannot even see it unless you look in one particular area on the right side of the tank and you're tall enough. Maybe a strand or two comes loose a week and I just suck it up with water changes. It has consistently kept my nitrates and phosphates at zero since the conception of the tank six months ago.


cheato are the best plant to fighting against algae and nitrate if you can add it in your sump for a sample if you have small piece of rock with algae put it with the cheato in the sump and you will see how the algae gone like miracle.


I have some back behind my Live Rock in my Aquapod and my nitrates are 0. You can put it in the chambers but if it does not get light then it will die. That is why mine is inside the tank and it is hidden by the LR but it does get light.


Active Member
As clown said, mine is jammed behind rocks and only gets a little light, but it has been there quite some time and is still alive.


On my big tank I stuffed a skilter 250 full of it and took all "skimmer" parts out. It's been going for about 2-3 weeks and my levels have went down steadly since. I do keep the skilter fliter pad in to help filter ( It does do that good ).


there is an area behind my LR i can put it in.. by doing that the fish and the crabs in my tank wont mess with it... would they??? how much should i get.. i have a 24gl.. and about 20 pounds of LR.. and also i would like to thank all of you for replying


I got a skilter 250 that i am doing the same thing too.
As for how much?
I going to get a hand full, the nitrates will help it grow, soon you may have to feed some to the fish.


Can you add this to a tank that is in it's first cycle or do you need to wait until the parameters are normal?


Active Member
I have chaeto by the bag if you want its 15$ shipped which is a really good deal if you do research because most pet stores charge 10 dollars per handful and each bag is about 3-4 handfulls.