

has anyone ever heard of adding cheato to your tank. i dnt have a sump or a fuge,and i want to add some cheato to help eat upsome nitrates. Ive look at some that hang on the back sums and fuges but are a lil costly


Active Member
The one issue I see in doing that is the l or little bits of Chaeto end up starting to grow all over the place. I in the past would shake the stuff out into my DT to disloge pods before I gave a chunk to the LFS....... Now about one a week I find another little bunch or three or four patches of it in my DT that needs removing

I am sure someone out here has a better way than putting it in the DT cheaply..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Foxface2
what about puttting it in something to contain it
OK I guess some kind of perforated hang in the tank box would do the trick. Two pieces of advice here. First any fuge is better than non at all regardless of its size, but like other things "the bigger the better".. Secondly with a perforated hang in box, enough flow to the Chaeto may be a problem. If you can come up with a way to have a tiny power-head in the box, which may work the best. The stuff loves a strong water flow. Or a PH pointed directly at it with big enough holes in the box it would indeed help with trates and be an addition supply of pods for the tank.
Good luck ......... Warren

al mc

Active Member
There are several manufactureres of premade hand in the tank refugiums that have a perforated acrylic 'box' that has a predrilled hole to place a power head in. This is effectively a refugium, but you will see it in your display. Personally I think it is not an eye sore compared with the nitrogen export and 'pod' heaven that you get out of it.
If you are a dIY type, one can easily be made to the exact size you want.


Active Member
Go to walmart or target and get a plastic holder for a sponge or soap. Something that is for the sink or shower. Most are all plastic. work great
Here is a pic of mine looking down into the tank. You can see the suction cups. Look at the baby frogspawn.