
small triggers

Active Member
if ya really want to?? but why would you? I have fish that tend to do nothing but eat it, and while it adds color it tends to just float around and get caught in the overflows anyways. Defeating the purpose of absorbing.


Well-Known Member
hmm, you could? But I wouldn't advise it.
Chaeto needs to tumble in a fuge. It also doesn't help if you have herbivores in your tank that eat all the algaes.
Chaeto also has tons of space for copepods to hide and multiply - so I suggest only keeping it in a fuge.
If you want a good display tank macro algae, go for halimeda, shaving brush, or a type of caulerpa (though they can co sexual!)
I hve Cheato and Macro Algae in my DT. I have a few fish that like to hide in the Cheato themselves and the Foxface love to grave on the Macro
Personally, I would get a hang on fuge, and put it in there, this way fish don't eat it, and it doesn't grow to overtake your tank or any corals