Check em out!

reef fool

Active Member
Check out these orange turbo's I picked up today at the LFS. Anyone ever seen these before? Please don't tell me they are dyed like my yellow cup coral!!


You might watch the edge of thier shells where growth occurs, if it grows in normal turbo coloring, you might assume they are dyed. Especially if you have purchased livestock from that store before that was dyed.


The LFS in my area sell snails similar in color. Now this could be wrong, and most probably is, but I think they call them Margarita snails (or something like that). Sorry I don't know if they are dyed either. But like I said I have never bought any.


My LFS sells them as orange cat snails or something similar to that. I have found that they are very comparable to a turbo snail. I saw no indication that they are dyed, but mine kicked the bucket about a 2 months after I bought it. Good snail though. Also, I haven't bought any more because they cost 3X as much as regular turbo snails at the LFS.

reef fool

Active Member
They were $4 each, they are a bit smaller than my other turbos , but are the same shape and body/mouth style.


The one I bought cost me $7. I bought it thinking it would be cool to have an orange snail, but after two months and it biting the bullet, I'm not paying that for another one.


scratch the margarita snail then because the ones my LFS has are a lot bigger than the turbos. They are pricey too.