Check it Out!!!


Here's some pics of my fish. Let Me know what you guys think? :happyfish
Crab Attack, ahhhh, don't worry he made it. My giant scarlet playin with my orange electric hermit.

Ralphie hosting his corner

Alphie just chillin


Jaque gettin ready to do some spring cleaning on the fellas. I have a big camel back shrimp but he's more interested in eating than cleaning.


Well my girlfriend named them and won't stop bothering me about it, she wants to keep the hippo, but doesn't understand that one it's not mine and two it'll get to big for the tank,


Active Member
jhov2324 looks like you have a nice family of fish crabs,and shrimp. Whose hippo tang is it? I'm with your girlfriend, I say keep it if you can.


Yeah I liked my selection,
Hippo Tang is my friends, i'm holding it till his tank is ready, he bought it kinda small so it should be good in my tank for now, he is sooooooooo bright blue, almost looks fake,
True Perc
Royal Gramma
Orbicular Cardinal
Green Mandarin (bought and added coepods so as soon as tank establishes i will add one)
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
CamelBack Shrimp (he's gone as soon as I add some zoo's)
Bloodfire shrimp (when LFS shipment comes in)
Mexican Turbo
2 Blue Legged Hermits
Orange Legged Hermit
2 Scarlet Hermits (one is small/the other is huge)
Unkown hermit, body is either burgandy or brown, blue eyes, big claw half white