check my 125 stocklist please


Golden Headed Sleeper Goby
Pink Square Anthias - Female
Pink Square Anthias - Male
Naso Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Dog Face Puffer
its a FOWLR, 125 gallon the tank is over a year old. I would like to do an emperor angel and would take out the naso and put it in its place if it would be safe with the dogface...

crypt keeper

Active Member
IMO if you took out the naso the tank would be stocked correctly. People tend to forget that fish grow. Some grow very fast. I can place 4 or 5 juvi large angels in a 125 and watch them grow but in a year they will be too big for the tank.
You have been through many fish in the past year. Your entire fish list is almost different from when you set it up from the start. You had a shark a stingray a copperband butterfly and other fish.
IMO and IME I would keep it how it is ..


we never had a copperband, we had a double saddle back that was huge when we got it, it contracted ich and never really recovered. The shark and ray were out of our control and had no rhyme or reason for dying. Our parameters are good at this time but the tank is empty.
Keep it how it is? We only have a dogface, a blue chromis, and banggai cardinals. We had a snowflake eel that kept eating everything and had it rehomed to the LFS. The black clown we have had forever is still alive and kicking, its in our reef tank now.

crypt keeper

Active Member
You posted a stocklist thats what I said keep like that. Your title says check my 125 stocklist I want to add another fish. So what do you have in the tank?
The naso blue hippo and puffer will all grow to over a foot which then will probably be too small for your 125. A 125 is not a very big tank.
Those fish will grow fast if fed correctly.


thanks for posting again and helping clear up my confusion. Currently I have
a dogface puffer
a blue chromis
a banggai cardinals (thought I had two but cant find one, most likely hiding in rock work)
100lbs of live rock & 1 lone blue leg hermit lol...


Active Member
It's better to understock than overstock. Pick would you would REALLY like to have and not just KINDA like to have.
What kind of filtration do you have and skimmer? That helps offset some bioload as well. Like crypt says you can start off ok with small fish but as they grow and compete for room and add bioload you're waiting for a disaster at some point in time.


I have a wet/dry sump, a 150 pro clear & yes, we do have a skimmer but not the one that some of the sumps include, we purchased a different one for it. I would need to check to find out what kind it is. As previously posted I also have approx 100lbs of live rock. I could totally do without the anthias but figured they would look nice. I could certainly take those out of the "i kinda want list". I really WANT/LIKE blue hippo, yellow hippo, emperor angel. The puffer is my husbands otherwise I would have gone without it all together because our intentions for the tank was to do a reef but obviously those plans are busted.
:) thanks you two for your input! I do know as a rule it better to be understocked then overstocked I wanted to run the list by the forum because it makes me help thin out the list and make the best choice before we go spending alot of money on fish we cant keep long term ;)


Active Member
IHMO, there's really two definitions of 'overstocking.' The first is obviously, too high of bioload/too many fish creating too much of a load for your system to handle. The second is not that easy, but it's a fish in the wrong tank. A medium to large Naso is not going to push the bioload of a 125gal over the top. However the size required by a large Naso is more then a 125gal's dimensions.
For your specific tank, honestly I wouldn't mind see more live rock... lots more... For the stocklist you proposted, both the Naso and the Blue Hippo eventually outgrow the 125gal. The Dogface puffer comes close, but they aren't a particular active fish. However they put a large bioload on your tank.
Golden Headed Sleeper Goby
Pink Square Anthias - Female
Pink Square Anthias - Male
Vermiculated or Six Banded Angel
Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus)
Yellow Tang
Dog Face Puffer


thanks so much

But doesnt the six-banded angelfish need 180 gallon minimum?
# Size: 3-5 inches
# Care Level: Moderate
# Temperament: Moderate
# Reef Safe: Monitor
# Diet: Angel formula, Algae, Brine shrimp, pellets
# Origin: Indo Pacific
# Acclimation Time: 3+ hours
# Minimum Tank Size: 180 gallons
# Coral Safe: No
# Invertebrate Safe: Not with clams

crypt keeper

Active Member
180 is a few inches wider than a 150. They are the same length. When you step up too 7 or 8 foot long tankes the fish size in your list can grow bigger