check out my band see if you like it


Active Member
little tool, little korn, heavy on the metallica and sabbath, maybe even some sepeltura and some pantera...
not bad....


Active Member
my buddies that live across the street from me have a band "Mindset"...for some reason their site is down... your band has some similarities...
how often do you practice?
how often do you get gigs?
how long has the band been together?
keep working man!!!

your drummer sounds like he has been playing for a while!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Not bad. I hear a lot of Pantera, some Mettalica, a lot of STP.
The singer reminds me of a cross between Phil Anselmo (without the screaming ability) and Cobain. Never was a Nirvana fan, so I think that is the one downside for me. The sound is very good and tight yet still raw and not over-produced or over-perfected/clean sounding.
The only advice I can seem to goive, is you guys appear (picture is hard for me to see) to have a three doors down look, which doesn't seem to fit what you are playing. But like I said, the picture is hard for me to see, so I could be wrong on that.


Well we had alot of gigs for a while but now it's kinda slow we have 3 shows in the next 3 weeks we practice about 4-5 times a week like freaks and the band has been together with atleast the 2 founding members for like 6 or 7 years...since highschool.
Again thanks for all the replies.


lol, i'm not going to listen, no offense, but i'm not into that type of music... i just wanted to say i thought the title of this thread was "check out my hand see if you like it"... i was like... uhhh, why does this guy want us to check out his hand??? lol...