Check out some pics of the new members!!


The Squamosa (Sam) got him for 20 bucks with the trade of some xenia frags and got the yellow fiji leather for 8 dollars. I know the cyno looks like garbage but it was a small price to pay to get 20 LBS for 12 bucks.



Heres an extra kicker that I thought you clam lovers would like. This thing was in the LFS where I got the squamosa, and it is EASILY 30 inches long and about 2 feet wide. It's the size of my 11 pound nephew.


AND I DONT HAVE HALIDES!!!! LOL. Here is the growth of my Derasa over the last month. That white part on the side of his shell, from where it turns brown to white, is how much he has grown in the last month alone. That is about 1/2 an inch.



Originally Posted by jonnywater
Heres an extra kicker that I thought you clam lovers would like. This thing was in the LFS where I got the squamosa, and it is EASILY 30 inches long and about 2 feet wide. It's the size of my 11 pound nephew.

WOW...i dont know what to say....but..


Originally Posted by jonnywater
AND I DONT HAVE HALIDES!!!! LOL. Here is the growth of my Derasa over the last month. That white part on the side of his shell, from where it turns brown to white, is how much he has grown in the last month alone. That is about 1/2 an inch.
What kind of lighting are you running, in what size tank, and for how long? Thanks!