Check out this new addition!!


I just got him today! He is healthy, he is fat, he is very clean, he gets along with all my fish so far, he is a mad crazy super fast swimmer, he is a complete pig and he looks soooo awesome under the blues and metal hallides!
I have very strong current in my tank and he loves the rotating sea swirls!



Beatifull.......I wish I could get an Achilles Tang, but I heard they are hard to keep.....One day, one day :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
How big of a tank is that? I have a 120 gal and might get one. Awsome tank
More pics please ***)
My tank is a 120 reef. I am WAAYYY overloaded with fish. I have a nice protein skimmer, metal hallides, 40 gallon sump, sea swirls and about 190lbs of LR.
Everyone tells me I have to many fish, but for 3 months I have never had an ammonia spike/nitrate/nitrite spike... except for cycling.
Fish List:
Fox Face
Yellow Tang
Regal Tang
Kole Tang
Achilles Tang
Pyschadelic Mandarin
2 percs
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty
Niger Trigger
Royal Gramma
Six Lined Wrasse
Purple Fire Fish
I do tests every Saturday morning. Funny thing is.. I've never lost a fish either (knock on wood)!