Check this fish out


Oh come on guys you know that is one sexy fish....
Could you imagine coming home drunk and looking at thing..... :scared: I think I just got the buzz scared right out me. BTW what the hell is it?


Active Member
It is a long nose chimaera, a deep sea fish. Related to sharks....also known as rabbitfish (but not like those we keep in this hobby!)


Active Member
Which of course they weren't. We had that thread going at the time, LOL. Definitely NOT washed up by the is a very recent urban legend. :D
Appropriately looks like it is also called a "spookfish." Yup, I'll buy that :D


Active Member
Man, I might have some bad dreamas after catching sight of some of those creatures. It so amazing what is lurking down there in the deep, so much still to be discovered. Many of those fish look prehistoric, like they have not evolved one bit over millions of years. Thanks for sharing that link, very cool!


Active Member
It kinda looks like a cross between a fish and a squid. I would have an overwhelming urge to touch it though. Looks like it would feel neat. :yes:
So if you ever meet me in person, this will make you wonder about actually touching my hand, no? :D


Active Member
Unless you are slimy or from some great ocean depth, or a brittlestar, I"m unlikey to try. I don't typically get an overwhleming urge to touch people. People might punch you, or call a lawyer. :D