Check valve question

Ok I bought a check valve from my local hardware store and installed it today. Its inline between my pump and my squiwd wavemaker. But it seems that either my wavemaker is going bad or the checkvalve is messing with it because its not switching from side to side now you have to buy a specific type of checkvalve for my 9.5mag pump or what?


Active Member
The spring actuated check valves that most hardware stores sell put a lot of back pressure on the pump. It's probably reducing the flow rate so bad that the scwd isn't able to do it's thing anymore.
Check valves are notoriously unreliable in aquarium applications anyway.
Get rid of that check valve and drill some siphon breaks.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by BreckCo.KY
I wish I knew what a siphon break
It is a small hole drilled in the return line just below the normal water level of the tank that will introduce air into the line as the level drops(from a siphon condition)thus breaking said siphon. Confusnig enough?

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by BreckCo.KY
Hey if this new brass flap valve I bought doesnt work I'll try that.
If you must use a check valve, I would use an all-plastic type. Brass contains copper which can leach into your system with bad results.