Checked out Sharpnose Regs for NC and FED.


Active Member
So after a few days of research I am not aware of the illegality of Catching Sharpnose and Transporting to Ohio. As far as I know at this time, 1. I can catch one sharpnose per person per day. That means one per vessel per day. 2. I have to have a permit from the federal government to transport them across state lines. 3. I need a commercial liscense to sell the sharks once caught.
I am still waiting for more information from the Fed in regards to this permit/liscense. I understand everyones ethical concerns stated in another thread I posted. I apologize for posting the sharks I want as Bonnets, I am actually looking to get sharpnose/sand sharks. Finally, I am well aware of tank size and the needs of special filtration, etc. I along with the other people involved are not looking to sell these little sharks to people with inadequate systems. Finally, I know that this is a hobby for myself and most other people on this site. I was just interested in doing what many people do and make a little cash to help offset the high cost of maintaining my own system. So at this point my shark fishing days are non existant until I hear more information from the Federal Government. What I dont understand is the Fed's issue with this species and its transportation to Ohio. I guess there is the concern of overfishing. There are companies out there that capture wild fish and sell them everywhere and dont see the issue, if as a responsible member of the hobbyist world, I should not be able to provide a service to other like minded people. The jury is still out on whether this idea is wrong or well thought out. So if you have input into this type of adventure please please feel free to discuss it further.


See you have done some homework on the legal part of this but lets see what you know abought keeping them alive once you have them in your possession
I would like to sate to you that my concerns for the sharks over all health far out weighs your enthuse to sell the sharks if you do not have a place to house the sharks and when I say place I mean a place of your own if this is the case that you do not have a place of your own to house the sharks I am sorry but I fell that I can know longer help on this issue for I do not feel that it is my need to partake in the exaction of sharks for the pursuit of riches.
best of luck Sean

please post size of your aquarium (pool)
also look up (sharks in fl ASPCA) there was a man that got arrested for doing the same thing you are going to do.
also where at in Ohio do you live.


Active Member
I appreciate your response. At the present time I am not going to be doing what is stated above. I am only researching the idea. I do have a place for these sharks to go immediately after they are brought back to Northern Ohio. I am also not going to even think about actually doing this before more research is done on my part. This is the reason I am posting this information here on the site.
I don t want to people to look at this thread and think of me as a money hungry poacher. I am merely looking into the idea of making a little money on the side, as a way of supporting my hobby and get paid to fish in the ocean
. On the same line, I respect your opinion on this issue, as well as the others on this site. I cant stress that enough. SO.... I am just looking into the idea and was a little too excited the other day when the store owner showed interest in the idea. Both of use were unaware of the legality of the situation and now I am doing my homework.
The place that is interested in purchasing the sharks from me I would like to keep private as to not bring them into the issue. I know he has enormous tanks already setup with aggressives and has way beyond the means to care for these animals. His warehouse is located in the Cleveland area and I respect his education in aquatics and his judgement on who has the correct environment for such creatures.
Thanks for the imput and please do not look at this as a way to make riches. I just want to continue in my hobby and learn more as time goes on.


Active Member
What happens when the local store turns down sharks you bring....where do they go? last time I checked not too much ocean front in Ohio.
Bad idea...please leave this to the folks licensed , QUALIFIED and equipped to collect, house and distribute sharks. Not somethng for the novice or part-timer in my opinion.


Active Member
The store I am working with is not a local store. They are around the same size as the distributor we aee posting on right now. Look, I am fully concerned about the welfare of these animals. I am not looking to make millions and I am sorry I brought this up on the site. I am going to let it drop because you know what? My interest was in the thrill of trying to keep the animals alive and enjoy a few f'ing days at the beach. While doing so I know the owner of the store will, not might, will pay me for the friggin sharks. And in the end the sharks would have a responsible owner. So aaaahhhhhhhhgggggg.........


Active Member
You didn't think you'd post something like this and not get flammed did you?

If you can do it legally , humanely and ethically correct, I'd say go for it...
I also find it funny that most of the people who are so worried about killing fish have probably killed more fish than the large fisheries combined...
Look how many threads there are about "my fish died"....It should read "i killed my fish because i didn't do any research on how to keep them"
And I'm not saying I'm not guilty of the above...we all who are we to be Na Sayers to you?


Active Member
Well still working on the permit issues. I wanted to go over to the coast next weekend but I am probrably going to postpone until I have all the proper information. The store owner is anxiously awaiting the arrival. Ill let people know what happens when I make the trip. I am hoping to get at least six sharks back to the store. I think with the setup I looked into I should be alright. I just bought my converter for the powerheads and chiller. I am just hoping that my tank at home will survive a few days without the chiller hooked up. I almost lost my tank last time I was down there...


Active Member
I would only do this if the sharks can survive. There is no reason to try and bring dead sharks back to Ohio. The incentive is to bring up some sharks :alive: and like I have said before the store where I will be bringing them to is not your typical LFS. He is a distributor probrably the size of this site. Like I have said before I cant express the amount of concern I have for these animals. My philosophy is not that I have a saltwater tank with cute little fish. I have an ecosystem that is very well balanced and my goal is to achieve an environment as close to the ocean as I can. I have been assured that the owner will not sell these to anyone he doesnt feel comfortable with. Ill try emailing you later and also have been talking with some other hobbyist in the area about meeting up some time. Most of us are in NE ohio..