Chemi-Clean or not?


I have been fighting cyano for about a month. My 30 gal reef tank is 5 mo. old. My LFS is strongly recommending me use Chem-Clean to get rid of the Cyano. I have used it once and the cyano was gone in about a week. My bio load isn't that heavy, 26 lbs of lr, some corals, pair of perc, mandrin and clown goby. I have been careful about over feeding, my lighting is a Coralife Aqualight, which is on 12 hours a day. I have three powerheads plus skimmer and filter for water circ. I have heard it is bad to vacuum the substrate because it will cause a bloom. Any suggestions would be gladley accepted. helipilot


Active Member
So you used chemi-clean and the cyano came back after one week?
Did you do the 20% water change like the directions say?
Never vacuum sand. If it is CC, then it needs to be vacuumed.


Wax32, The first time it used CC,I did the 20% water change, it worked for a couple of months. Now, it has just come back. Helipilot