chemi pure


Active Member
does that to help with nitrates? i do weekly water changes...well now i started to do water changes like every 3 days. my nitrates go right back up. on oh my hermit crabs disappeared but i still see its shell the crab just isnt there anymore so maybe it died and thats why but im thinking it just moved to a different shell.
so does it help? can you get it at a LFS? i will still be doing water changes.


Active Member
It really does not help with nitrates.
You need to find out why you have nitrate issues.
What kind of substrate do you have?
How often do you feed your fish?
What fish do you have?
What size is your tank?


Active Member
they were .20 then i did about 10% water change and now they are a little lower. i have no fish yet( im not going to add any till i get it to zero) i have a shrimp though and clean up crew. i gave the shrimp some food the other day but i dont normally feed it. pH i belive is 8.2 alk is between 180 and 300. nitirites are zero. i have a skimmer and a bio wheel filter on a 29 gallon.....oh and i have live sand.
im going to try to do another water change tomorrow.


I have read that the bio wheel increases nitrate, I had a emporer 400 on a 36 gallon with high nitrates, I removed the bio wheel and filter cartridges ( a few days later) I realized all the filter was doing was circulating water so I moved it to the garage. Then water change , water change, water change and no more high nitrates.
live rock , live sand and skimmer, a few months for the tank to go through it's diatoms and whatever else it went through, then one day the tank was golden. So I went and bought a 90 gallon and started all over


Active Member
Ion-exchange media like the one mentioned in this thread certainly has a place, as canister filter media for example. You want to place it in a stream of pressurized water, if its coarse keep it away from your pumps intake because small peices can damage the impeller. A wide variety of chemical filtrants are available to the aquarist. Through absorption, adsorption, flocculation or ion exchange, these materials remove compounds that are found to be detrimental to the overall health of some aquarium animals. Conversly only some water pollutants can be measured directly by typical test kits.
Heres the catch. If chemical filtrants are used to lower nitrate and phosphate levels, how can they be certain that other untestable pollutants are also reduced? and that significant trace elements like iodine are not consequently removed also. Many are not selective as to what elements they remove. Finally there is the issue of cost, If you spend $3.00 in chemical filtrants to remove polluntants from 10 gallons of seawater, its easy to miss the point that 10 gallons of brand-new synthetic seawater may cost you only $2.00 to replace.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
How long has your tank been set-up?
How many snails and hermits do you have?
Do you have live rock?

its been up for maybe 2 months now.... i have about 4 hermits now that i think one died but im not sure.
probably around 10 snails
i have about 45 pounds of live rock.
Dadummy- are you kidding me? the reason i got that filter was becuase people would speak so highly of it. i cant change it now so i guess im going to keep it.


Active Member
Mystic7 has an interesting viewpoint about this product, sorry about my spelling, nice jab before locking the last post on this subject, anyhow lets hear your take on this? I know your itchin to chime in :hilarious


Phixer Posted
Mystic7, nice jab, sorry about my spelling. Lets hear your take on this?
Uh, Oh....... Here we go again! ***)


Active Member
Hi Moby :hilarious
make it stop please... you know I live for this :hilarious as long as its educational in the end :hilarious


Active Member
I added chemi-pure yesterday for the first time to a canister filter on my tank and I was reading the instructions where it says it scavanges nitrates and ammonia so to answer the first question about whether it helps with nitrates it claims to. Of course I only added it yesterday to see how well it works so I can't tell you if it works from personal experience. I did just check my nitrates tonight and I was suprised to see I actually had 10 ppm nitrates which is higher then I expected but I don't have anything to compare it to since I haven't tested nitrates prior to today.


New Member
What test kit are you using to test your nitrates?
Also, don't worry about getting it down to zero. Most tanks staying between 5-10 and are extremely successful.