chemical or natural ? ? ?


I have heard there are two ways to treat ich. The guy at the lfs told me that instead of a copper treatment you can dose with marineC and get cleaner shrimp and a cleaner wrass. I have a 29 gal FOWLR and recently purchased a coral beauty. When I took him home from the store he looked great. no spots what so ever. a few days later he developed spots and thats when i got the cleaner shrimp and the marine C. is this information correct or am i going to have to catch him and but an isolation tank? I know i am supposed to have one already but i didnt get one yet. I also heard of a product called kick ich wich is a non copper treatment i think?:notsure:
please help:help:


first of all you should NEVER use copper with inverts. The inverts will die and you will have to take out the angel because the other fish will get it.


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp and fish will also not work. They will not be able to eradicate an ich outbreak. The wrasse would also likely starve before too long. These forms of biological control will limit certain ectoparasites. They rarely can treat the gills (where a good percentage of the infection actually exists).
Cleaner shrimp are great to have by themselves, but don't expect your tank to suddenly become healthy by adding one.
The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity (the preferred treatment) and copper. Both of these treatments are toxic to invertebrates, corals and live rock. Other products tend to have only spotty success.