Chemsperts? Alk & PH Question?


Hi All - Can you tell if this makes sense? I am still new at understanding all of these readings. I just set up a 55 gal with 10% RO & the rest tap water (I know bad), my RO maching is now working and all future water will come from there. Currently the tank is about 2 weeks old & has nothing but about 2" of playsand & 2" of LS to seed. Waiting on a LR shipment this Wed. My ph has been stable at 8.4, but my Alk reading is off the charts, according to Red Sea, the highest reading was a dark blue, & mine is testing a very light blue, which would be even higher than 3.6. This kit came with an Alk buffer, but it is unclear whether it raises or lowers Alk? Since my ph is right on, should I be concerned about this reading or am I getting a bad reading? Will it be safe to add my LR & start the cycle? Thanks in advance!


Active Member
First off don't worry about the PH, alkalinity or calcium during the cycle. All you should be concerned with is ammonia, nitrites and nitrates... and salinity of course.
Second, get a better alkalinity test kit. The Red Sea or any kit that shows high, normal, low will tell you nothing. You need a kit that will give you numbers... Salifert makes a very good alkalinity and calcium kit.


Thanks Reefnut, I really need to study more on the Alk/ph/calcium equasion. I can definitely handle the salinity, nitrate & trite & ammon. for now. Of course now all those levels are zero as there is nothing in the tank except sand. Salinity at 1.024. I'm guessing the alk reading is maybe due to my hard water... Hopefully that will normalize with some RO water changing after the cycle passes. Since I am doing a FOWLR, do I really need to test alk, calcium, phospate, hardness? I just want to try to keep this as simple as possible! The more things I test for, the more confused I get...:) Tx-Jill :hilarious


Active Member
For a FOWLR regular water changes maintain your alk/ca/PH for you. No reason to dose anything IMO.