cherub & flame hawk


Active Member
Ok guys, i bought the little cherub angel from my lfs, and he is doing great. However, my flame hawk who is about the same size, maybe a little bigger, is constantly chasing the cherub around the tank. They both take turns chasing one another, its actually quite comical, but neither fish is injured, they just swim and hide. Any suggestions as to what i should do? The hawk has been in the tnak for about 3 weeks now. I was thinking about removing him to my QT tank to let the pygmy get adjusted and then reintroducing the hawk. What do you think???
Thanks in advance


Active Member
Yeah so far there is no fin damage, the little cherub is eating algae off the rock like a pig and the flame just cruises the tank, but when they happen to see each other a little chase ensues, and they always seem to be lookign foe the other one. its reallly quite entertaining!