chevron tang


Active Member
this web site has chevron tangs on sale has anyone ever bought one mail order....wondering how they ship...


Active Member
Definitely part of a select group: the ultimately most delicate tangs group, which includes things like powder blues, gold rims, etc. Beautiful fish, all of them, but incredibly prone to ick. I Wouldn't try on in any but the most mature and large tanks. I wouldn't say, as a result, that they are likely to ship well. Be sure to have a Q system going to put it in there, IMO.


Active Member
thanks very much...i will stay away because of the ick...i had a big ick wipe out this summer lost most of the fish...which is why i won't get a powder blue or blue much as i love them..thanks again


Active Member
Ya know, the funny thing is I was thinking about an achilles tang when I wrote this (hence the reference to the powder blue). Regardless, chevron's are still tough one's to keep. Beautiful, but tough to get a good one that lasts. Its still part of the select difficult tang group, even with my mind not working well :D


I would have to disagree. Chevrons are more like a kole tang than a powder blue. I've always had good luck w/ them. Never had a problem w/ ick like w/ blue or pwder blue tangs. I guess it's just hit or miss as usual.


Active Member
The are defintely closer relation wise to Kole tangs, no doubt. As mentioned, I was thinking for some reason about Achilles tangs when I wrote my first answer which are closer to powder blues.
But, IME, chevron's are not as tough as Kole tangs, or other more "common" tangs. So I throw them into the more difficult to care for group, perhaps because of overal rarity.... it could very well be that they were generally more with fewer specimens but the same mortality, well, that may make it seem more delicate when the actually aren't. Definitely do best in larger mature reef tanks.


Active Member
Shhhhh!!!! LOL We'll get in to one of those "beauty in the eye of the beholder" threads. :D But it is one of the trade offs of the Chevron, indeed. I guess if you had one long enough that it changed colors, you would have to take some pride in that, even if the adult isn't quite as pretty. I think it is beautiful but in a very subtle way, much like scopas and Koles, for that matter ! :) Koles are one of my absolute favs.


I had one for about 4 years along time ago. It was really hard getting rid of him because he had changed almost completely. He got to large for my tank. He became a display fish in a LFS in their 500 gallon until a Vlamingi decided to slice & dice him one day!!:nope: