Chevron Tang


New Member
help: my chevron tang is about 2 years old. i have never had any problems with my tank or disease. The chevron tang has a white spot around his eye and white stripe along the bottom of his body. I am guessing it might be HLLE? what can I do?


Staff member
Give us some details about how you have your tank set up, your water readings, size of tank, etc.
Do you have a grounding probe installed? What are you feeding this fish?


New Member
55 gallon with a 15 gallon sump. protein skimmer, grounding probe, 4 powerheads for circulation. We are feeding frozen squid, brine shrimp, emrald, and seaweed selects. We keep the tank at 1.023 gravity and the ph 8.4 and we give nutrients. we have no nitrates. the temp is at 78 degrees. We have several corals and everything else seems fine. We have three clownfish, 2 are spawning, blood shrimp, lobster. We have starfish and the janitor crew. We use kent sea salt. 7 gallon water changes weekly. We use treated tap water.


Staff member
Place a grounding probe in both sump and tank. Try using zoecon on the food offered to the tang.
Can you post a pic?


New Member
I can not post a pic. I will try adding zoecon to the diet and place a probe in the sump. Thanks for the info!I will update.


Staff member
It could be that your tang has actually outgrown your tank. This fish need at least 150gal size.


New Member
right now he is 5in. long and hasent gone through his color change to maturity. would you say he wont make it in his current tank? only 3 clowns in this tank and no plan to add anything but TLC. if not is change nessary now?


Staff member
If it were me, I'd find another home for him that has a lot of swimming space. That would be the right think to do.


New Member
is this the norm for all tangs? what is your reason for stating this? i did not know tangs needed such a large tank. looks like time to upgrade.


Staff member
Yes, it is the norm for tangs, and some more than others. Tangs are hard swimmers and need to be able to jet hard across open water. They are basically open water fish, not fish that hang out in reef work. Obviosuly, it is impossible to swim hard in a 55. So, in a smaller tank, the tang is basically seriously inhibited. This could cause physical stress resulting in less than good health.


New Member
you said 150gal. for this fish. now is this for him and him alone? or can i transfer my other fish into this tank as well? just want to provide the best inviroment for chevy. he is a wonderful fish and love to keep him. can upgrade tank in a couple weeks.


Active Member
The main thing for tangs is the length of the tank, not just the capacity. Often after getting a tank long enough for a tang to work up a good swimming speed, you'll find you have enough water capacity for a few reef-dwelling tankmates.
The standard 1" of fullgrown fish size to 5 gallons of water applies.