Chewed up & beat up!!!!!!


New Member
I went down to ***** this afternoon and some idiot put a Undulate trigger in with 4 Coral Beauties 3 yellow tangs a couple of butterflies and some flame angels. the trigger had picked on the angels & Beauies and one beauty was so bad that it took me a second to figure out what he was. He was in some serious shock he had no color and almost no fins left. I got them to remove the trigger and give me the beauty for $5 and now I need to know if anyone has any advise I dont want to loose him!


New Member
I read through the posts on quarantine but what do I need to set it up. I think that I am getting ich so I need to set one up anyway. I have a 55 gallon what else do I need?


Staff member
You can set it up with what ever you want. Don't put any substrate in it, or use Live Rock. For decor you can use fake rocks or pvc pipe. Paint the bottom of the tank [on the outside] blue or black. Lighting is optional, but definately nothing fancy.
If you set up a 55 QT, that would be great. There's been some discuss here about QT's lately. Do a quick serach and see what you come up.


New Member
what kind of filtering should I use for a qt? When its not in use is it a good idea to just have it cycle with my other tanks and then put it on its own filtering system when in use? or Keep it on its own cycle?


Staff member
It is really up to you how you set it up. It is easy to always have a cycled tank. For QT, it is best to only keep 1 specimen at a time, so its not like the tank will have a heavy load.