chewin baccer



For those of ya'll that do not know me I am a 28 year old attorney in Baton Rouge. I began dippin skoal when I was 14, everyone dips or chews down here. My problem is, a year ago I had part of my jaw (not cosmetically noticeable) removed. I quit dippin at that point. My girlfriend and I broke up a couple months later and a few months after that I began dipping again. I am trying to quit dipping again, as advised by my dentist. I bought nicorette gum and the non tobacco-dip but the urge is still there. In my office, I pretty much go nuts while researching cases because I do not have a chaw. If any of ya'll have ever quit chewing baccer and have a way to get past the urge, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you much,


Active Member
Originally Posted by LSU
For those of ya'll that do not know me I am a 28 year old attorney in Baton Rouge. I began dippin skoal when I was 14, everyone dips or chews down here. My problem is, a year ago I had part of my jaw (not cosmetically noticeable) removed. I quit dippin at that point. My girlfriend and I broke up a couple months later and a few months after that I began dipping again. I am trying to quit dipping again, as advised by my dentist. I bought nicorette gum and the non tobacco-dip but the urge is still there. In my office, I pretty much go nuts while researching cases because I do not have a chaw. If any of ya'll have ever quit chewing baccer and have a way to get past the urge, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you much,
i can't help you there but i wish you the best of luck i had a different addiction maybe charge someone an extra hour when it gets bad?
good luck...tobin


Active Member
man i have no help for you... been dippin since i was 6... first one was a kodiak... few years later went to copenhagen... around the age of 23 went to skoal long cut straight... about 6 years ago i went to red seal... i have tried and tried to quit but it never happens... longest stint for me was around 5 weeks cuz i had strep... TBH the only time i dont have a chew in is when i a m eatin or sleeping... the times i have tried i have put on weight big time!!!


Active Member
my ex's father quit by putting a stretched out cotton ball in his lip where the dip would be this is gonna get gross but he would spit the drool that the cotton sponged up into his spit cup thingy, i asked him why he did that and he said it was comforting to have something in that space... worked for him, good luck quitting we'll pray for ya....jenny far as the urge drink lots of water and sleep as much as possible for a few days


Active Member
Rasins and cut up Jalapeno pepper works for some. Rasins give ya the familiar smell and the peppers give you the bite you miss otherwise.


Active Member
man, when i was like 10? my father caught me chewing (along with my older step brother). so he said if we wanted to be men, then we would chew like men...
i had half a pack of chew put in my mouth and couldn't spit for 10 mins. never touched the stuff again.

mr. guitar

I can't stand people doin that stuff. I could never do that...never have never will.
I do have help though! Pray about it. Prayer always works!
God Bless brother!!!


Active Member
LSU, the all mint leaf snuff worked great for me. There is no tobacco and no nicotine. You get the same feeling from it, and it produces juice you can spit out. Here is the site, hope its ok, just trying to help somebody quit.


Not a dipper since high school but a HEAVY smoker with a high stress job for the last 15 years. I did cold laser-hypnotherapy and it has worked great! Did it on April 12 of this year and not so much as a puff. Literally, it almost never evens crosses my mind to have a cigarette. I maybe have a small urge every 3-4 weeks at most.
I'm sure they have it somewhere near you if you check the yellow pages or google it.
Highly recommend


Active Member
Look into a new drug called Chantix. It is a stop smoking aid and it may work for dip as well.
I am taking it now for smoking and so far it is working great for me. Havent had a smoke in a week and a half.


Active Member
I been chewin for years i'm 17. Tried to quit a couple of times but the longest i can go is like 2 weeks. Try just cutting back....I used to have 6-8 a day and then i started limiting myself to like 3 a day and it really puts you on a schedule which helped me a lot. I'm now doen to like 2-3 a day, sometimes more sometimes less, but if you try cutting down legitimately it's gonna be a lot easier to quit in the long run.


Thanks for the replies. I ordered some of the tobaccoless snuff. Jenny I tried the cotton ball thing, and as disgusting as it sounded, it really helped


Active Member
Well I quit a little over a year ago so let me tell you the secret fool proof way to do it........ There is none! It is all what works for you. You might want to look at Tobin's quitting smoking thread, and anytime the urge hits, post here instead of taking a dip. Although when the urges hit for me I chewed small sticks of gum like Trident. When the urges went away so did the gum.
After you quit there will ALWAYS be something that makes you want a chew. You have to figure out what will make you not do it. In my case it was my kids. I told myself, "now I could keep doing this and probably have a life threating problem, or I could stop and get to spend at least one more day with my kids." Pretty easy decision for me.
OK Off my soapbox. We will try and help, we got Tobin, Jenny and reef29 to quit smoking, might as well get you to quit too.


Active Member
The number one thing in quitting anything is that you have to want to quit.
LSU, the all mint snuff really worked for me. Of course you will still have some urges, especially if you drink. Just make sure you have a can of it at all times, or you will find yourself stopping at the store to buy the real.


Well the cotton balls were helping until one of the partners saw me and quickly put an end to that, which was weird because they did not mind when
I had a large chaw and a spit cup. I bought some sunflower seeds which are ok, but they are tearing my mouth up. I'm going plum crazy sittin here. I can't seem to think about anything but skoal, which sucks because I have a client coming in in 20 min. and I really don't want to look like a crackhead while we discuss his case. nuts!


You definately need to do it for yourself. I chewed Copenhagen for over 30 years. It got to the point where I would spit out the wad and 10 minutes later be diggin for more.
I quit New Years Eve
]days ago. I quit cold turkey and prayed ALOT. You cannot do this by yourself. Get a couple of others on here and start a support thread and quit. I will pray for you.


Originally Posted by LSU
For those of ya'll that do not know me I am a 28 year old attorney in Baton Rouge. I began dippin skoal when I was 14, everyone dips or chews down here. My problem is, a year ago I had part of my jaw (not cosmetically noticeable) removed. I quit dippin at that point. My girlfriend and I broke up a couple months later and a few months after that I began dipping again. I am trying to quit dipping again, as advised by my dentist. I bought nicorette gum and the non tobacco-dip but the urge is still there. In my office, I pretty much go nuts while researching cases because I do not have a chaw. If any of ya'll have ever quit chewing baccer and have a way to get past the urge, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you much,
Your brain associates certain tasks with dipping, for some folks it may be a particular activities i.e playing baseball, for others it's deskwork. Im not an office person but used to get the urge to dip when writing performance evaluations and fitness reports. When this happened I had to leave the desk for a few minutes and come back to it. Use to dip for years until I took a close look at the lower gum line surrouding my lower front teeth and noticed some servere erosion. The urge never went away for me and I still want one on occasion. I wish I never would have started. Good luck.


Active Member
I can attest to the fact that Chantix DOES NOT work for dip.
I used to dip kodiak for about 5 years until I noticed the gums around one tooth wearing down. so I quit dipping and started smoking. I smoked for 10 years and then got Chantix and quit. I have not had any urge to smoke for 2 months now. but the problem is that I'm pretty much back to dipping full time.
from what I've always heard, dipping and chewing tobacco is MORE addictive than cigarettes. I've got to quit though because I can feel it in my gums all the time. I really think chewing tobacco (like red man and beechnut) is safer than dip, but I don't care for the "sweetness" of chewing tobacco, I like the "spicy burning" of the dip.
we can dip in our office and I'm one of 3 in my office that does it and I also do it in court.
I have tried chewing up pieces of beef jerky and putting in my jaw, but there's something addictive about the baccer. I may try that cut up jalepeno recipe though.
I am doing Grizzly instead of Kodiak because is so much cheaper and it's the same thing basically. if I had to do Copenhagen or Skoal, I'd quit because they both taste disgusting.
but if you find a cure all, let me know, because i need to quit.