Would anyone be interested in trading some frags? I live in the north burbs and figured there had to be some fellow reefers around who would be up for it.
I have a colt, tree, green shrooms, orange tree sponge, ricordia (both blue and green), and a toadstool. I am too afraid of the poison of the toadstool, but anything else I would be willing to trade. How about you?
iam in wester suburb (downers grove) always looking for new connection. thanks
go to trading and classified. i have a post there for chicagoan trader with about 10-15 people replied. you might be able to find someone close to you.
I would be instrested in the colt and tree coral(kenya tree?)and green shrooms. I have green star polps, red mushrooms, a frogspawn I broke of my main colony that was initally stung very badly but is making a good recovery, a few head from a trumpet (whiteish variety)