Chicken Undy


I figured she would be out patroling the tank or picking a fight lol. Very nice picture though and good looking trigger.


How long has the trigger been the tank? Triggerfish are shy when first put into a tank. :happyfish


Originally Posted by clownguy
How long has the trigger been the tank? Triggerfish are shy when first put into a tank. :happyfish
Yeah, enjoy it while it last


Ain't she somethin'? We had her almost a year...........and not to worry, we have a 90g standing by for when she gets over her shyness

Thanks for the compliments
I get to unload the camera again, and take more pictures

We have 3, triggers that is, for those who haven't read any of my posts. 125gal. Up for a little over a year. The Pinktail is the far. But seriously, she will not stay out when we are around the tank. Even when we aren't she just stelthly moves from one cave to another. She stays on the bottom, seldom coming to the top, except to go hide behind the power heads. The Picasso is the top fish and the Pinktail goes everywhere.
Only had a couple spats in that one year, the Pinktail has won each time.
I will be posting more after the weekend, big tourist town we live in and a big weekend is coming up. My man working the soundboard, and I'll be pushing the booze........Peace


Thanx T!
Hey, I tried putting toilet paper over the flash and taking the picture at an angle, the angle thing worked but I'm going to have to take one with/without TP to see of I can see the difference.
Those are two tips that some on this board have given in order to make the pics better. Now that I can delete the pics from the digital, ALL BY MYSELF, thank you
I am going to go nuts taking pics. I enjoy 35mm more, but I guess I'm going to have to learn the digital as well

Thanx again..................Peace


I'm trying to convince my wife to buy me the Olympus Evolt, or the Nikon D50 for fathers day....wish me luck


Originally Posted by Titan
I'm trying to convince my wife to buy me the Olympus Evolt, or the Nikon D50 for fathers day....wish me luck

If she ever reads what you wrote about her and your Undy.............

you wouldn't get a picture of your funeral

We have been looking at some, I am just a die-hard 35mm picture taker.

I am trying though, I did figure out how to turn on the digital, scroll through the little pictures, and erase the ones that we had downloaded. All by myself!!!Yippeeeeeeee :jumping:
I will be taking a lot of pictures now


Not to get off subject but I LOVE my Nikon D70! I works almost like a manual 35mm but its a little different but all in all I don't think I will go back. My father is a different story with that dam Hazilblat or how ever you spell that camera. LOL.


pco1988, you aren't off topic at all. Not for me anyway. Since I started the thread, you can post whatever you like.
I am always interested in LEARNING different things. Cameras have been a very important part of my life. So anyone with information on digitals, I listen to. Especially if I see the pictures from the camera that have been touted.
lion_crazz, I hope so too. As stated above, we have 90g in waiting just in case.
Thanks for the thumbs up on my pic. Don't encourage me too much or you'll be sooooooooooooorry


Triggered once you go digital, and got it down pat; you'll be feeding the ol' 35mm to your Undy!


Originally Posted by Titan
Triggered once you go digital, and got it down pat; you'll be feeding the ol' 35mm to your Undy!

You'll feed your wife to the Undy
before my 35mm gets eaten


Well, I have to admit, our Undy isn't my favorite, but she is any thing but Ugly. She is a beautiful fish, her colors are so vibrant. Maybe your wife is more of a "personality" type.

In that case ........................she has a point!

Remember............she sounds like a typical jealous woman
........just tell your wife how pretty she is every once in a get more lovin' that way.

BUt if I read that some where a man fed his wife to his fish.......................well we shouldn't say any thing else
(someone may be listening


Well, when we brought them home, about a year ago......
Raz-Pink was about 4-1/2" to 5"
Taz-Picasso was about 3' to 3-1/2"
Spaz-Undy was about 4"
Raz is probably 5-1/2"
Taz about 4"
Spaz about 4-1/2"
She is the most skiddish and has gone through a spell of being too afraid to come out and eat.....she still is............I have to feed her after the lights go out.

That 90 is looking better all the time, I hate having to baby a fish that is touted to be the most aggressive...................go figure ***)
Do I remember correctly, you said yours was about 4"? What else do you have in the tank with her?