childs basketball game


My daughter is 10 in the 5th grade and plays basketball. She is actually a pretty good player for only being 10 years old. Not great but pretty good. She won the sportsmanship award Sunday after a championship game they lost. Their is a girl on the team whose dad is a nut!!! His daughter plays mostly point guard. She is a pretty good player also. He has her on other teams which then she plays basketball about 6 days a week. Practice, games or both. The other night my daughter got the ball back on defence and was heading to their side and was being defended by 2-3 girls and did not look up and see that the nuts daughter was open by the basket. She should have looked up but did not. She 10 for Pete's sake. He was sitting right behind me and very loudly said "I'm sick of this!!!" and stormed out of the area we were in and went somewhere else he could see the game from. ON his way out I yelled "grow up". There is alot more I could say about this guy but it would take so long. He puts such an extreme amount of pressure on his daughter. She crys in the games even if we are winning if she makes a mistake.


Active Member
this is unfortunate that a parent would take all the fun out of sport by pushing for perfection instead of lettin the kids PLAY... its too bad that people have to live vicariously through thier children to make up for their failure...


Originally Posted by ruaround
this is unfortunate that a parent would take all the fun out of sport by pushing for perfection instead of lettin the kids PLAY... its too bad that people have to live vicariously through thier children to make up for their failure...


He and his wife coach AYSO soccer here and a ref kicked him off the field last year. He yelled at him that he is tired of watching him abuse his daughter.


Active Member
I for one am sickened and saddened at what I wittness on the soccer field, basketball court and softball field. Parents screaming and yelling, coaches the same. Kids crying and uptight. It's a form of child abuse IMO. F-U-N is no longer involved in these sports....its all about winning and at all costs. Anyone and everyone can now be on or have a "select" team.
When my daughter started softball in 1st grade it was so much fun. By the time 5th grade rolled around it was becoming miserable. The coach had turned into a competative nut job. Many of the girls were in tears by the end of most games.(and we were winning) At the start of the season last year I told him if he wanted my daughter on the team it would be under a few rules of mine. #1--constructive criticism ONLY, no personal attacks (which is what he was doing the last season to many of the girls). and #2- The second a personal attack is made to ANY of the girls he would be personally be escorted off the field by me and taken to the Director on duty.
After a few near blow ups last year and me getting up from my chair to make sure he saw me........he simmered down. Disgusting is all I can say.......what on earth of some of these people doing to these kids???


I work for the County Recreation department and we see this stuff all the time. A lot of parent's don't want the game to be fun. They want the kids to win. That is all that matters. If a kid strikes out, a lot of the parents just want to blame the umpires. A lot of parents think that their child is perfect and can do no wrong so when something doesn't go right, then it is alway somebody elses fault. There is no telling how many times for each ball season that we have to have meetings with some of the parents because they do something stupid. We have a Zero tolerance policy that we adopted a couple of years ago and when a parent starts to act "unruly" then we have the right to ask them to leave the park and if they refuse, then the cops are called in. After that the recreation director and the Recreation board get to decide how long the person should be banned for. A few years ago we made national news... we were hosting a girls fastpitch softball tournament and a mother from each team decided to get involved with the actions on the field. They wound up getting on the field and fighting each other and even hit an umpire for his part in a so called "bad call". Becuase of that, we implemented the Zero Tolerance Policy. It is very sad that a few parents make youth athletics/programs a nightmare for the kids.