Chili Coral

I received a Chili Coral From SWF on Thursday I acclimated it according to the site and it appeared normal several polyps were open and feeding then that night when lights went out it appeared all polyps were open and feeding. Then Friday the coral started getting smaller and now today it has shrink to about half the size it was when it arrived. All parameters in the tank are within range- SG=1.025 Ph=8.3 Ammon.=0 Nitrite=0 Nitrate=<10 Phos.=<1 Calcium=450ppm Alk.=3.5meq/l.
Is it just adjusting to my tank or worse am I losing the coral?
Also having good lighting 2-250 watt MH and 2-110 watt Actinics. I am acclimating it to my lighting approx. 4 hours Actinics with 2 hours MH.
Any ideas i'm confused?


Active Member
chili coral are nonphotosynthetic, stick it in a cave out of the light. the halides are probably burning the crud out of it.
Thanks reefkprZ,
It didn't register when I read that it was nonphotosynthetic that halides were to bright for it I will find a place that blocks the halides.
I just went and moved the Chili under a ledge and polyps are opening now. Just moon lights on now hopefully it will puff back up and stand back up.
Thanks again


Active Member
not a problem.
it may take it a week or two to recover from its "sunburn" and look its best again, you'll just have to wait it out. if its opening its a good sign.
Will do but has been acting better today checked all parameters today all is good on that front except alkalinity a little low @ 2.5 meq/l (7dKH) I like it at about 3.5 meq/l to 5.0 meq/l (9.8 to 14 dKH) is that a good range for all coral types? I have the Chili, GSP, Frogspawn, couple frags of zoo's and several frags of SPS (i.e Orange Monti-Cap, Idaho Grape Cap, Green Slimer etc.)
Any words of wisdom would be most appreciated


Active Member
I have seen a few instances where people have assumed that just because they dont benifit from the light that nonphotosynthetic corals can still be in direct lighting. In reality as reefkeeprz said they can actually get damaged by it even bleach if left under them for an extended period of time. The pigment they are given is used as a sort of sunblock for any period of time they do spend in the light. And if they are under intense lighting for a long time they will get hurt by it.
I am in agreement with you and reefkeeprz that the halides were causing some damage. Hopefully since I have moved the Chili not to much damage has occured and it will be able to heal and get back to a nice puffed upright state. Tonight after the actinics went off a few more polyps than last night are out and feeding. As I told reefkeeprz I moved it into a cave like area shaded from direct light off the halides and the actinics but still gets good flow around the coral. Working on raising Alkalinity slowly I figured no more than 1 meq/l in 24 hrs or is that too fast? Also what is your recommendations for maintaining Alkalinity at? Any advice will be considered.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
Unfortuntatly I cannot offer help in this area. I have managed to maintain near perfect water chemistry due to weekly 15% water changes on my tank. I am sure I will have to deal with this type of problem in the future or if I upgrade to a larger tank where weekly water changes arent necessary, but for now I dont.
I know that if you do add a buffer for alkalinity you need to monitor your PH as they have an effect on each other where if one goes down the other goes up. And there are different types of buffers out there to for combating these issues but again I am not familiar with any of them. Sorrry...
Thanks PerfectDark,
I understand about the relationship between PH and Alkalinity. I am going with the 1 meq/l in 24hrs unless someone says differently.
Thanks again for your input


Active Member
Mine seems to be nocturnal. It puffs up and flowers every night. I feed it every other day or so.
Anyone know how they multiply? Do they spread, split, have babies? I seem to have a second little one growing next to my big one. See it there to the left? Is that a baby?


I have the same problem with my chille... soes it only flower at night??? is there something i can do? It looks amazing when it opens up at night, almost 4 times its size when the lights are on... any help would be great!!


Active Member
I think it's just the way they are. I'm not sure. Anyone here know if they ARE supose to open during the day?? Here's another pic. of mine when the day lights go out. The flowers come out and it will get even taller!! I love it.


Active Member
The guy I bought it from said it was a filter feeder and didn't need to be fed. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to feed it. I feed ChromaPlex and PhytoPlex. I have a tiny surenge and I squirt a little all over the flowers every other day. Not sure which one it likes so I switch it up. It seems to like it. Be careful though because if you use too much it waill raise your levels. I have a 12 gal. tank and little things like that make a difference.
Do you have a pic. of your new coral? How is it doing?


Active Member
wow, that's a big one! It looks good too! Do you know how they spread or multiply? I've been trying to find out. I found out they ARE nocturnal so that's good.