Chiller Experiences??


I have run a JBJ 1/3HP chiller for 3 years without issues. This past week the chiller blew a fuse, changed it and started fine. 24 hrs later noticed chiller was out again. Repeated process, did basic service (cleaned out with air compressor) started fine. Following day, same issue, now out of fuses.... In calling the manu for 4 days without responses, I was directed to purchase more fuses at $13 a pop. There is obviously something electrically wrong and their solution is to purchase another chiller......any trouble shooting ideas?
Anyone have similiar experiences? Not happy with this manufacture...
Which leads me to my second question, anyone use a USA Prime Chiller? good or bad???


Active Member
Originally Posted by LeBoeuf
I have run a JBJ 1/3HP chiller for 3 years without issues. This past week the chiller blew a fuse, changed it and started fine. 24 hrs later noticed chiller was out again. Repeated process, did basic service (cleaned out with air compressor) started fine. Following day, same issue, now out of fuses.... In calling the manu for 4 days without responses, I was directed to purchase more fuses at $13 a pop. There is obviously something electrically wrong and their solution is to purchase another chiller......any trouble shooting ideas?
Anyone have similiar experiences? Not happy with this manufacture...
Which leads me to my second question, anyone use a USA Prime Chiller? good or bad???
SCSINET Help??????


Active Member
You rang???
Dang without email notifications working here again it's a miracle I even saw this...
What fuse is popping? Is this a fuse in your house or a fuse in the chiller? If it's a house fuse, obviously be sure you are using a time delay fuse.
It sounds to me like your compressor is having starting difficulties. There is a start switch hanging off the compressor that gives it a little "kick" to get going. If that's failed, then that may well be what's causing this.
The other possibility is that your circuit is more loaded than before. Did you add any equipment to your tank, relocate an appliance, TV, etc to a spot that shares a circuit wtih your chiller? If so, perhaps you've simply overloaded the circuit and the chiller is pushing it over the edge...
JBJ isn't going to give you much help after 3 years. While any hermetic compressor should last longer than that, I think JBJ's warranty is only one. They shouldn't be ignoring you though, that sucks. I wonder if my Artica is going to have problems in another year (it's 2 yrs old this year).
My advice would be to find an HVAC company that could look at it for you. They should be able to service it (for a fee of course) and at least figure out if there's anything wrong with it. You may even see if there's a reef club in your area, they almost always have somebody who knows this stuff who can look at it, possibly for free.
Alternatively, if you are looking to purchase a new one, my choice would be Aqua Logic / Aquanetics. I'd put the Aqua Logic and Arctica chillers at the top of my list for quality.


thanks for the reply...found some interesting info. JBJ now offers a replacement power cord & fuse box (for a $35 fee)that is supposed to correct the problem. When asked why customers weren't offered this solution for free, JBJ said there is no problem.....(then why have a work around that uses common fuses and better wiring harness????) They currently use a fuse that is hard to find and is $13 a pop. The new fuses are Radio Shack replacements at a much better bargain......
End result, received & installed the plug and play power cord and have run on a loaded line for 48 hours without incident....reinstalling the chiller to tank this afternoon....
keep you posted