Chiller for 40 gal ?


Active Member
Well with mh/vho and summer = hot tank..
anyone use the Teclima Micro Chiller ? or can recommend another brand... need about a 5 degree pull down (already have 2 fans)


Active Member
I got a micro chiller for my 20 gallon. It is supposed to bring it down 6 degrees or so. I should get it any day not. The two fans are just not cutting it.
I have a powercooler for my 220

reef fool

Active Member
Hey Slothy,
I have an Ice Probe mini chiller by Coolworks that I used on my 46 bow and it gave me a 5 degree pulldown(maybe a little more). I Highly recommend it. It was hotter than Saddam's living room here in NY last summer and it got me through it by maintaining 81 degrees all summer. The tank was 86-88 without it! I only had 440 watts of VHO though. NO MH's.I drilled it through the side of an aqua clear 500 filter.


Active Member

Originally posted by reef fool
Hey Slothy,
I have an Ice Probe mini chiller by Coolworks that I used on my 46 bow and it gave me a 5 degree pulldown(maybe a little more). I Highly recommend it. It was hotter than Saddam's living room here in NY last summer and it got me through it by maintaining 81 degrees all summer. The tank was 86-88 without it! I only had 440 watts of VHO though. NO MH's.I drilled it through the side of an aqua clear 500 filter.

what controls it ? there a themostat for it ?

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by slothy
what controls it ? there a themostat for it ?

You have to get a controller for it. It's about $100 for the chiller and $50 for the controller. Check it out at