chiller help, which one?


Unfortunately my Nanowave9 has a very narrow canopy and the lights/splash guard comes very close to the water. There's really no where to put a fan to circulate air across the water. I'd love to do that as an option...!

I have already installed to Papst fans in the canopy to cool the enclosed bulb area, and lower the water line an inch or two. I dropped 2-3 degrees by doing that.

But my temps are stuck at 80-83 degrees constantly. I want to effectively and consistantly drop another 5 degrees...
I don't know which of these listed chillers has a reliable reputation and operates quietly...


Active Member
chillers are a bit pricey. I asked about adding a chiller before and no one had any experience with one. If I were you I would just have an open top and buy the 70 watt sunpod metal halide for $220. Your tank should cool down because of the top being open and you will have awesome lights... the same as me!


Well I've got a veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrry curious 3yr old.
Nuf said.

So the top stays closed. I settled on the Titan 150.
Is it possible to install the chiller 3ft above
the water line? It has more shiny buttons and fancy green lights!!!
I did a filter box mod, so now I have room to put in a much larger pump to go to the chiller then a direct line back into the tank.