Chiller Question


Hi there,
I'm finally breaking down and buying a chiller. I have a 90 gallon tank that does not get below 80 degrees (w/o heater) once the temps reach the high 70's or low 80's. In the summertime I had to run my AC 24/7 and my PG&E went from 80 or so a month to over $300 a month. We still had to put ice bottles in the sump to cool the tank.
Do you think a 1/4 will be ok? I was told a 1/10 would work, but decided to go for the bigger (more power?) one.
Also, is this going to increase my electric bill by much?


Active Member
Generally a larger chiller will just run less. Short cycling isn't AS efficient, but it's doubtful that it will make a demonstrable difference.
Personally though I'd use a 1/5. That will probably work fine for that size tank... unless you plan to upgrade the tank one day, in which case upsizing now is the way to go.