Chiller Question


I am really interested in buying a chiller before the summer heat gets here. I have a question in reference to this purchase. I have an Eheim canister so I that means no drop in. Can I put an inline chiller even though I have an established tank. Please let me know if possible and any suggestions for a 54 corner.


Active Member
yes inline would be no issue. Just gravity feed a pump on a closed loop through the chiller.
I wouldnt go over 1/4hp for your tank. 1/5 or 1/6 would prob even work.
Myself included but people get HP fever. They want to put 1 hp units on 100g tanks to make sure the unit can handle the drop. They wind up wasting electricity and having too strong of a drop too quickly. The dang chiller pops on and off every 5 minutes for 30 seconds per cycle. Better overall system when equip matches the demand and can be smoth and efficient both for power consumption AND performance.
Oh yeah...and compare pricetags on a 1hp vrs a 1/5th. lol
A well suited 1/5 hp should work wonderful for ya.


Active Member
+1 on the 1/5. That should be a good match.
While I agree that going HP crazy can be a waste, you also should keep in mind any future upgrades you've pondered. Going incrimentally larger is much cheaper to do now than to buy a new chiller down the road. I put a 1/5 on my 55g reef a couple years ago, and just had to spend $1000 all over again on a 1/2 for my 180.
To further complicate matters, chillers also have minimum flow rates that need to be maintained to keep them from freezing up (very bad). Many people with those 100g tanks as Reef said will have a tough time meeting the flow requirements of huge chillers. The other problem is that if the chiller is too oversized, it can cause cold-currents in the tank because of the massive temperature drop the chiller is acting on the water, which can seriously stress your livestock.


Chiller sizes are rated by manufacturer as
Prime chillers
1/15 for up to 50 gal
1/10 for up to 70 gal
1/4 for up to 225 - 260 gal
1/15 for up to 40 gal
1/10 for up to 130 gal
1/5 for up to 180 gal
As stated find a inline version you wish, make a space for it not under or in a cabinet, run a pump for it (your return pump can work), set it and forget it for awhile. Then remember to keep it cleaned out (vacuum out intake, blow it out - I do this monthly)


Active Member
SCSI.. what would you recommend as the best Hp for 150g tank with 40g sump/ref
You can get by with a 1/4. 1/3 would probably be the best fit, a 1/2 would be the largest you'd want to go.
All this is assuming an average pulldown (5-8 degreesish).


Active Member
Originally Posted by orangespot
I am really interested in buying a chiller before the summer heat gets here. I have a question in reference to this purchase. I have an Eheim canister so I that means no drop in. Can I put an inline chiller even though I have an established tank. Please let me know if possible and any suggestions for a 54 corner.
Don't have anything to add to this thread but I have a question. What does having an Eheim Canister have to with a drop in chiller?


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
Don't have anything to add to this thread but I have a question. What does having an Eheim Canister have to with a drop in chiller?
If his tank has a canister filter, it likely has no sump, which precludes a drop in.
I suppose he could put it in the DT, but I'd bet that the length of the flexible hose on the chiller would make that difficult.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
If his tank has a canister filter, it likely has no sump, which precludes a drop in.
I suppose he could put it in the DT, but I'd bet that the length of the flexible hose on the chiller would make that difficult.
That is what I was thinking but I thought I would ask just in case there was some other issue. I run both a canister and a sump so the idea didn't occur to me right away.