Chillers is 86 to high of temp


Hello everyone now that we are hitting 113 here in AZ my tank is running at 86 is this to high of a temp or do I need to get a chiller for it. Plus how much heat do chillers put off in the room do you need to vent it out doors or not.
Thank you for any and all answers you may have :help:


YES 86 degress is extreamly high that will cause stress to corals fish and just about everything. You should not go above 82 target 78-80 anything above 84 is very hard on your system. What size tank do you have? If you have a smaller tank a chiller will not give off that much heat put it in the basment on a closed loop if you are worried about it making a lot of heat. They also make thermal electric chillers that use very little electricity but only work on small tanks up to 40 gallons I believe. I asumme you don't have air conditioning in your house? BTW a window air conditioner cost less than a good chiller.


Originally Posted by skull69
Hello everyone now that we are hitting 113 here in AZ my tank is running at 86 is this to high of a temp or do I need to get a chiller for it. Plus how much heat do chillers put off in the room do you need to vent it out doors or not.
Thank you for any and all answers you may have :help:
No need to post this in more than 1 forum


jamiehag Yes I do have ac but we use a swap cooler most of the year my wife likes it warm in the house so I did order a chiller for it hope it will work good for it said up to 180gal thank you for the reply from Robert


Active Member
Skull...I live in Sierra Vista but we do not get as hot since we are considerably higher in elevation.
My set-up maxes out at 82 and my heater is set on 80....This way I do not get a big temp fluctuation. I see you already purchased the chiller so I guess you should be okay. I was going to suggest installing some fans in your wood canopy...if you have a wood canopy and do not have any fans.
it has been quite hot here too...wee hit 103 today. We are supposed to be back in the 50's (night) and 80's (day) next weekend.
I know you won't see the 80's again until next October. Stay cool and best of luck


Hello ScubaDoo no I don't have a canopy on my tank the lights are 4 96wat pc about 5"s off the tank I did start running a fan into the room keeping it at about 84 now. I can't wait for the chiller to get here they are stressing in this heat. thank for your input I would like to get a canopy for it maybe this winter.


I agree, get fans. get a canopy also.86 degrees is torture for fish...i live in florida and have my ac running on 77 all the time and have a fan installed pointing at my lights. my tank is 75-76 degrees all the can your wife like 85 degrees in the house? you dont overheat? not sure if az is hotter than fl because we have humitity but hell, i can live in anything hotter than 78. lol..


hello cross I'm a meatcutter I work in 45deg all day Can't stand the heat my wife works 6pm to 2am so I cool the house down to sleep I even unpluged my heaters in the tank I got it down to about 84


Active Member
Originally Posted by skull69
Hello ScubaDoo no I don't have a canopy on my tank the lights are 4 96wat pc about 5"s off the tank I did start running a fan into the room keeping it at about 84 now. I can't wait for the chiller to get here they are stressing in this heat. thank for your input I would like to get a canopy for it maybe this winter.
84 is borderline......increase you water movement in the tank . Higher temps require lots of water movement IMO