well it is about and inch long and is oval. I have yet to dig him out of the sand and actually inspect him, but i really have no idea what else it could be. i worked at a lfs for awhile and we got some boxes of lr in and there were about 5 banana shaped creatures in the bottom of the box that we positively id'ed as chitons from Burgess's Marine atlas. This little guy looks exactly like these things, however size is diff. the ones we got in with the lr were 2-3 inches long, and this guy is only about an inch. I think ill try to dig him up tomorrow and find out what it really is. I dont think its a snail, because it doesnt have a foot. its just a long oval cream colored oiece of fles, that looks like it has a mouth at one end, and has darker coloration in the middle of the oval. Sorry about the crappy description, i have a dig. camera, and would take a pic, but i dont know how to post pics here. ANy help?????
thanks again,