Choc. Chip Starfish Issue????


I had to treat my 95g wave. I removed the Starfish and put him in a QT tank- nothing large just a small 20 gal. I have an underwater heater attached to the side. I think the starfish attached himself to the heater and literally burned himself. Could this happen? I also noticed that part of him dangles, however some parts move. Will this grow back or just fall off? Do you know if his death is inevitable???


as for the health of the starfish, Only time will tell. remove it from the heater asap though if you haven't already.

fishy head

my cc star did the same but it was not a bad burn, some signs of this is that he will not eat for 2 weeks, i could be wrong, that is what happen to my cc star.


Originally Posted by joker3762
will it grow back if it its arm falls off
I am not sure, but from what i understand about most starfish, they grow their arms back as long as the center isn't damaged severely


It was wierd. I noticed he was burned, in the bottom of the middle over 2 arms. Where he was burned was white and showed no life but on the tips of the 2 arms he was pink/maroon, alive. As I monitored him I noticed he was actually trying to rip his own arms off, I woke one morning and he was all mushy and white on the under side. He was not moving at all and he was curled in a circle, but all arms close to his body. It was a very sad sight.