Chocolate chip star with snails


I have a chocolate chip starfish and was wondering if there are any snails or nudibranches that I could get that wouldn't get eaten by the starfish (and vice versa) anyway are there any that I could buy preferably from this site because all my LFSs suck.


I haven't found any snails that survived with my chocolate chip starfish.
Some lasted longer than others but they all ended up as a snack.


For how long have you done this. Almost everyone says chocolate chip stars will kill snails. That's pretty weird


Originally Posted by crabsrkewl
For how long have you done this. Almost everyone says chocolate chip stars will kill snails. That's pretty weird
I have had 2 chocolate chips for 1 year and bought 1 more 2 months ago.


I have two CC's. I did not know they would eat snails. I had mine in a tank with cirith snails and they never bothered the snails. Am i just really lucky? It does seem like i have less blue leg hermits though do they eat these as well? (CC's have been relocated to another tank now)


Active Member
Chocolate chip stars CAN be kept fed and this may minimize the loss to snails. However, they are natural predators of snails (possibly hermits too), so there is always the risk that in time they will become snacks. I don't necessarily think that it will be SO fast (if the star is well fed) that it would make it pointless to keep the stars, but eventually they may be eaten (the risk is about equivalent, IMO to keeping snails with hermits).


Oh well I feed my CC at least once a day so I don't think I have as big a risk as someone who doesn't I guess I should still watch him though.