Chocolate chip starfish problem


I purchased a chocolate chip starfish at my local ***** last week. I have an established fish only aquarium with 3 damsels, a clown, and a filefish goby. The starfish was very active the first number of days. Even came to the surface and ate a cube of tubifex worms. However, since yesterday he has been not moving and looking like he is saggy. Now his horns are falling off. I assume he is dying. My water parameters are: ph 8.0. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all at 0. The fish are are all fine. I am confused as to what is happening or why it would be dying. Please help!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear of your problems.
Star fish are very sensitive to change, how long did you acclimate it before putting it in the tank? How long was it at ***** before it was sold and moved again? Was it eating in the store? Tubiflex worms... I always fed to freshwater fish...I'm not sure it's for SW fish.
Last, ***** is well known for not so healthy specimens, if you order on-line here on, you get 14 days to be sure it makes it. Also it's possible the damsels got to it...they kill everything including each other, and when they mature they will bite you drawing blood.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree w the ***** comment. They have horrible fish keeping habits. If there your only choice then I would order online. If you got your other fish there and there fine. Its BC there fairly hardy fish. Stars are difficult to acclimate and even if you did it rt.that doesn't mean they did.