chocolate chip starfish


I just received two new items today from I bought a sebae anenome and a chocolate chip starfish. I honestly didn't do much research on the starfish except that it was supposed to be a beginner one. I read somewhere that its not really a reef starfish though and will eat corals. My question is, am i asking for trouble now that i have this starfish? The only coral i currently have are Pulsating Xenia and Sebae. What does a Chocolate Chip Starfish eat, maybe i could feed him enough that he won't disturb anything else. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

mr . salty

Active Member
I think I'd take them back also. Wouldnt it be terrible to get up one day and find your corals eaten. Your fish guy should understand,he should have given more info from the start. STEVE


Chocalate Chip stars will eat just about anything. They will bother your coral. The only star fish that realy belongs in a reef is Brittle Stars and Searpent Stars IMO.


what about blue linkias? i think thats how you spell it. That would be my next starfish if i got one. Are they reef safe?



Originally posted by Drewster:
what about blue linkias? i think thats how you spell it. That would be my next starfish if i got one. Are they reef safe?

They will need a large sandy substrate.


See guys, now I know that you said that chocolate chip's eat live rock, corals, and just about anything else but my teacher,(I'm a student) has like three of them and they leave everything alone in her tank. I think that they have too bad a rap and it all depends on each individual starfish to tell wether or not it is a pain in your tank. Don't be so harsh about them, I think that they are pretty neat myself. NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE EITHER. Sorry if I did. Thanks!