Chocolate Chip Starfish


I have a chocolate chip starfish that has 4 points, not 5. I have looked at all the information and pictures of C.C. starfish and only see pictures of 5 point ones. I am aware they will regrow a leg if main body is still intact, but it doesn't look like a leg is missing. Is a 4 point normal, will it gain a 5th as it gets older? It is about 3 inches from one end point to the other right now.


Active Member
I would need to see a picture. sometimes there just are some that have 4 arms. It is not the norm, but it happens. It is like a birth defect if you will, but otherwise does not cause any trouble.
If it lost the other arm from damage, then it may regrow it.


Active Member
that is just a cool 4 armed star. Nothing wrong with it
just more unique than what everyone else has.