Chocolate chip starfish!!


New Member
My chocolate star eat some chunk of my Ricordea corals. Should I take him out of my tank?? Are they bad for reef tank? It says reef safe. What do you guys think?


Active Member
You have a little carnivore on your hands, he will eat you out
of reef and home. I have wittnessed one actually pry a clam open and eat it. He will plow over your mushrooms (or anything else for that matter). We love our guy (chip) because he is very entertaining, BUT we don't have any corals. Put him in a different tank if you have one, like I said, they are fun and climb to the top of the tank and stretch out as if to sun himself. Very busy little creatures.
LOVETHESEA, YES you do my daughter has one, an all you have to do is feed him, if he's up on the glass get a feeding stick an push a small amount into the middle of him where his mouth is should take him a couple of hours to eat it all. that should keep him happy an fat. very nice star. heres a pic of my crown of thorns his 5" an eats all kinds of food.:D


Active Member
I take little meaty pieces of food and place them under one of his arms when he climbs up the wall. I love to watch him eat. His name is Patrick:


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Patrick is in a FOWLR with perculas and a cleaner crew, and I have heard from many people not to ever put him in a reef.


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rockybottom.....we do too. Its fun to see Chip eat the shrimp. I think that is half the reason he comes to the top. The kids love to watch him stomach come out and munch on his treat.:eek:
I will get a pic up. Its fun to see the different varieties of stars or any fisc for that matter.


I agree that the CC star will eat anything it can get aholt of and more not a good critter with corals.
Rcoky Bottom yours is a red general or red knobby star (something similair) here is a pic of a true crown of thorns these babies are mean and nasty and will strip everything off everywhere they touch LOL


depends on the fish you want to add. if you have any fish that will preditize the star like puffers or triggers and a few others then its not a good idea the star will not last long.


Active Member
:D here is Chip in his break dancing stage. He is funny to watch.
He also does the " I've fallen and I can't get up" routine too.
Michaeltx....that is one scarey looking creature. How would you transport such an animal from purchase to tank?:confused: Is he in your tank?


no you dont want anything to do with these guys they are destroying reefs as they move and get huge I think the get around the 4 feet mark (if I remeber right) the are also have poison in the spikes. any little break pof creates a new star so some of the area that are being destroyed have thousands to millions of these guys going across the landscape.
and I dont thinik that you can buy them.


Active Member
wouldn't want one of them, they are scarey. As if our reefs aren't having enough trouble this creature sounds like he could be quite a challenge.:(