chocolate chip starish


New Member
OK, I have this guy fro a little over a week... and he doesnt do much, flops from his stomach to his back... Is this normal? He was hanging out onthe glass wheni first got im, now he is just hanging out onthe rocks. He keeps moving, usually after he sits inthe same spot for awhile... any ideas?


my starfish doesnt move for hours at a time. and do u have any corals or planning to keep corals? if u are get rid of him. i had one and it ate my star polyps. i took him back to lfs. now i have a orange linkia.


Active Member
A linckia is not suitable for many, many tanks and requires a lot of LR as it can not be spot fed. I don't want people to think it is a suitable alternative to a chocolate chip star. Many, many orange (or any other) Linckia die of acclimation shock, and many of the rest of starvation within a year (if there is not enough LR). The year mark is critical. The tank must be mature (6 months old) and pristine water quality for best success, but not all tanks are really suitable to house one.
A chocolate chip star is not reef safe, but can be spot fed with meaty foods (which I strongly suggest doing). Acclimation is also important with them. What do you mean it keeps falling on its back? This is a potential concern.
But all in all, seastars don't "do much." I am not sure what you are expecting?


sorry i didnt mean to give an alternative to a chocolate chip, i probly should have wrote about them. i was thinking about it as i wrote it. if u want something to clean the glass get an unchin. they dont need as much care as a linkia.