Chocolate Chip + Xenia = Bad Combination?


New Member
I had a very nice, but small xenia growing in my tank. The other day, it decided to change places on its rock, and I thought that was really cool However, I looked at it later, and a choco chip was on top of it. I removed it, but now the xenia is really small, and only one little arm sticking up. Is it dead, or will the one arm grow more arms. It is still attached and the one arm is moving around.


New Member
My experiance Chocolate chip stars will feed on the coral. I had to get rid of mine because it had eaten my button polyps. Now I have no corals, but will be starting again.
Good Luck!


It should come back. I will be very honest. The star fish should go (ch. chip) if you want corals. Brittle stars are great for reefs.


Active Member
If you want corals get rid of the choc.There are all kinds of starfish you can have in reef tank.That choc. will eat just about anything and are very prone to eating corals.Find you a serpent starfish.You can get them in diffrent colors.I'v 3 of them and love em'.I'v got a green,a red and a yellow.


chocolate chips are not reef safe and will eat your corals. you may want to try a blue linkia.


SInce no one answered the questions: Yes the Xenia should grow back as long as: The body of the coral doesn't change to a very brown color and start to melt. Yes the coral will appear as though it is melting when it begins to die. If it turns to a pile of mush then it's dead... otherwise it should grow back.
If you want to help things along, Coral Accel by Kent Marine does have grow stimulators that really help with this coral.
Hope that helps