chocolate ocelleris is acting very odd


my female is about 10 months old.... i just added a tang and clam yesterday... all other fish are fine... i do not know my water parameters...
ok, here's the scoop.. i walked by the tank and noticed she was in the back corner, lower then she normally goes... i saw her float down to the bottom and just sit there for a minute.... she doesnt seem to be gasping or anything like that... she just sat there on the sand for literally a minute... the male was up top chilling... then, she kind of went on her side like she was passing out.. she straightened up and went to the top with her buddy and is now acting "normal"....
lets see what else i can say... there is a BTA near where she was but not that low, she's never lived in any anenome since i've had her and was definitely not going in one today...
not sure what other info i can add... i dont usually test my water but will pick up a kit tomorrow despite not wanting to.