Choice for First Coral


I need oppinions on a good choice for a first coral... I would like it to be as impressive looking as possible for a "beginner coral".
I have been looking at various mushrooms (Blue, Green flourescent or bullseye), and also some easy soft corals (leathers). The problem is that most of these look kinda plain or boring. A mushroom looks "like a mushroom" and leathers usually aren't brightly colored.
What else is there that is fairly easy to keep that won't have a plain appearance?


I just got my first corals too and they were mushrooms. At first I thought that they would be kind of dull and boring, but in a few days they opened up real big, and they are variuos bright colors such as purple red and green. Surprisingly Ive grown to like them very much so that might be of some help to you. At my LFS I bought a man made peice of live rock in the shape of a disk and it had pimple mushrooms and striped and I think it was a good purchase.


Active Member
Yellow or Green Button Polyps, Star Polyps, or an open brain. Go with red. The brain is a little more advanced but if you feed it when it opens and give it good light it should be ok. The polyps don't require too much other than good calcium levels and some light.


New Member
Perhaps even a candycane, frogspawn or a hammer. From the looks of your lighting, it should be no problem if your water is decent ie > 350ppm calcium, < 10 ppm nitrate, 9+ kh/akh.
they are beautiful & easy.


Go with the frogspawn or a finger leather, perhaps a toadstool


My calcium is usually around 400, alk is normally about 10,(i will definately verify before adding anything). I use Bionic supplements to keep levels in the proper range.
Nitrates are 0-5 (highest has been 10 - water change every 2 -3 weeks). All other levels are fine also.
Any other suggestions...So far I'm looking at the Candycane, Toadstool, frogspawn, and button polyp


What type is that? Will it take over my tank?
Alot of mushrooms seem to spread to easily, I want something I can controll..


It's a frilly mushroom and has had five little babies in about 2 months. With direct feedings, it has grown about 2.5 inches in diameter.


I agree with sammy, when I bought my toadstool it was roughly the size of a baseball. Now it is bigger than a softball in diameter and is constantly commented upon. Extremely hardy and very attractive. When its tentacles are extended and polyps out it looks like an anenome (sp?). Not vibrantly colored, mine is a tan color, but impressive nonetheless.
Green star polyps are another good choice. Hardy and vibrantly colored.


OK, so now I have narrowed it down to 3...
1. Toadstool - Kinda Drab colors, but easy to maintain.
2. Star Polyp - Cool looking, fairly easy maintenance
3. Candy Cane - Interesting appearance, easy maintenance/will benefit from aditional feedings of brine shrimp and/or plankton.
Anything special I should know about these three which will help me make my decision?
I may also get 2 if I can't narrow it down further...


Sounds good, still open for any other comments or suggestions....
If you would recommend something other than the 3 I'm looking at, let me know.


Active Member
Have to defend the star polyops. They were the first addition to my tank and they are very easy. They also look really cool. I have some rotating heads on my power heads and it is great to watch them wave in the current. They have really grown and I can't wait for them to grow some more.
I have two different types in my AQ and want to add some different types in the future. They just like lots of flow over them. Mine are about 6 inches away from my powerheads.
If they get too big and start to take over you can cut off a portion of the polyp and trade it with someone on this forum. I get first dibs. :D


When I started my reef the first coral I added was button polyps and mushrooms, still like both, the buttons are neat because they multiply like crazy!


Are bubble coral and open brains more advanced? What are their requirements?
Any pics of frogspawn..