Choose my Stock list!!

scott t

Active Member
As many of you know I will be setting up a Reef tank soon, it will be a 75 Gal tank. I want help choosing my Stock list for it. I want input. There are some restrictions on this: 1.) These are the Fish that I am going to choose myself that will be in the tank, Yellow Eye Kole Tang, and 2 Ocellaris Clowns ( 1 B&W and 1 Regular) 2.) The Price cap on the fish is $80.00 and under 3) All Fish must be compatible and must be Coral (reef) and invert safe. I really hope to get great suggestions from all of you. I want to have an awesome stock list that is why I am turning to the people on here. I value and respect the advice and help that I get from many of you on this site. Have fun and I look forward to hearing all of your suggestions..


my first thought is flame angel and/or coral beauty....lawn mower blennie, zebra goby, 2 pajama cardinals, foxface,
this part depends on your coral....if you have not yes....a couple of clown goby's

scott t

Active Member
Lol I know Meowzer.. That is what I have been told that the best tang for a 75 gal tank would be the Kole Tang..
What Kind of Foxface.. I like all the other fish also Meowzer!!


Originally Posted by Scott T http:///forum/thread/381464/choose-my-stock-list#post_3322995
Lol I know Meowzer.. That is what I have been told that the best tang for a 75 gal tank would be the Kole Tang..
What Kind of Foxface.. I like all the other fish also Meowzer!!
I personally have the onespot.....and it is a BEAUTIFUL fish......I actually have everything I recommended HAHA...not all in the same tank though

scott t

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/381464/choose-my-stock-list#post_3322984
my first thought is flame angel and/or coral beauty....lawn mower blennie, zebra goby, 2 pajama cardinals, foxface,
this part depends on your coral....if you have not yes....a couple of clown goby's
And you said and/ or with the Flame angel and coral beauty they cant go in a 75 gal together can they???


Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Black Clown
Orange Clown (make sure they are they same species, don't get on Ocellaris and one Percula)
Starry Blenny (very similar to a Lawnmower, but in my opinion/experience, they're hardier and have more character)
Flame Angel or Coral Beauty Angelfish
Green Banded Goby
Scott's Fairy Wrasse (I remember that this was in your last list) or any fairy or flasher wrasse
Chalk Basslet or Royal Gramma (I never cared much for the Chalk Basslet until I saw it under Moonlights, it looks like it's glowing)
Three Ignitus, Bartlett's or Dispar Anthias (if you don't want to do anthias, than go with 2 Cardinals)


Originally Posted by Acropora12 http:///forum/thread/381464/choose-my-stock-list#post_3323006
Oh, well cool, that's something new I have learned today!
It's sort of an old timers myth nowadays. You'd be surprised how many people successfully keep 2 and sometimes more in the same tank. The big issues are the size of the tank, how much live rock there is and shapes of the fish. A flame angel and a coral beauty are a good example, they're different shapes, so much less likely to fight one another.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/381464/choose-my-stock-list#post_3323001
Chalk Basslet orChalk Basslet until I saw it under Moonlights, it looks like it's glowing)
Three Ignitus, Bartlett's or Dispar Anthias (if you don't want to do anthias, than go with 2 Cardinals)
OMG....YES...I love my chalk bass.....I also LOVE anthias, but have not been able to keep them alive :(
I am going to get 3 flasher wrasse soon though.....but we don;t want to overload his tank haha