Choosing healthy Angel


I am on the hunt for a flame Angel, ive been waiting for my tank to mature before i get one, its almost time...
I would like to know if there is any thing i sould look for or avoid with this species.
currenty stocking:
2 false percs
1 vagabond butterfly
1 cleaner shrinp
1 sally lightfoot
scarlet hermits


Active Member
When purchasing any fish,find out how long it has been in the store..look for an active fish,that looks well rounded..and ask to see him eat.Avoid Phillipines species,try to find one from Hawaaii...where they are still net caught.Purchase fish that have been at the store at least a week.Look for signs of flashing{rubbing against objects in the tank} and look at ALL the fish in the store..often tanks are plumbed one fish with ich can soon give it to the others.QT'ing all new fish is the safest way to insure not introducing any parasites or disease into the tank.A QT tank can be set up very inexpensively.