Christmas tree corals



Are these hard to keep?
Heres what i have so far:
Low light
Feed Filter feeder food.
Place in sand.
Thats what ive gotten from the net so far...
LFS said differently


Active Member
Are you talking about Christmas Tree Worms? The net info is correct. Place anwhere except within reach of aggressive corals or anemones, or in light beyond what a medium light coral would need. Don't buy them online if they will have to be shipped through an area where it may go below 65 degrees as they are fairly sensitive to lower temps.


Active Member
I think those are Christmas Tree Worms, different from the Coral. The coral has branching arms. I read that the Worms are quite hard to keep and need special requirements.
The Christmas Tree Coral on the other hand is very easy, low light conditions etc.
Google Christmas Tree Coral