Christmas tree rock / coral


Active Member
Ok I was at my LFS today and saw one of these guys. Wow, they are great! I really love the colors of the dusters ( for lack of a better word ).
The owner said they were high light, I think I have that covered. I have a 29 gallon with a 250 watt HQI system running. So does anyone have any info on these? Thanks!

ed bohon

New Member
Christmas trees 'rocks' are bought 'incorrectly'. Let me explain. The rock that the worms lives in is covered by a coral (porites). Before you buy the animal, make sure that your tank can sustain the coral, not the worms. The worms will do fine in just about any stable environment since they are filter feeders...that is as long as the coral lives...why the worms die when the coral dies is unknown to me and perhaps someone else could explain that. Good luck.
Josh, there was a thread on this just a few days ago that has somw good info. I bumped it backup to the top so you could find it. Check it out.:)