Chromi sucked into powerhead


Active Member
came back from the movies to find one of my chromis stuck in my powerheads intake. very very disturbing to see.


New Member
I had this happened to a clown fish. I was cleaning my protein skimmer sponge-My clownfishes bonded with the skimmer sponge. Anyways. I should of turned off the skimmer. well the poor little guy. :( my little baby nemo


Active Member
i felt pretty bad...its bones were all twisted and cracked. sorry bout your clown too. my tank is taking a beating at the moment. tons or slime algae and dead animals going on.

crypt keeper

Active Member
my sixline got sucked in by the skimmer pump as well. his eye was like 4 times bigger and all red. it was gross. hopefully it was quick.


Active Member
mine was the same way...its eye was huge. i was just thinking about it dying quickly.


Crypt, thats weird you say that I just lost my six line saturday the same way. I always turn the skimmer off when I'm feeding and I noticed that he liked to swim through the strainer I have on my pump well I never thought he'd swim right in with it running, till I couldnt find him anywhere then found the poor guy sucked half way into the pump

coral keeper

Active Member
Whats up with all the fishes going through powerheads?
I've never lost a fish because it was sucked into a powerhead/pump. The powerhead gods must have cursed you all.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Whats up with all the fishes going through powerheads?
I've never lost a fish because it was sucked into a powerhead/pump. The powerhead gods must have cursed you all.

Me either...all my power heads come with grates on them so it's very hard for me to even see it happening.
(knocks on wood...)